Travel Discounts
Our Success Is Based On The Promise We Keep!
During these unprecedented times with COVID affecting millions of people’s income, now is the time to take advantage of discounts, coupons, and savings so you can save every extra dollar that you have!

If you are reading this right now, then you have one goal in mind and that is to travel as much as possible for as LITTLE as possible! Well, you stumbled upon the place that will bring that dream into a reality.
Truthfully we all need to travel more as it helps us destress, make memories as well as quality time with family, bring people closer, and lets you enjoy what life has to offer which is why during COVID, traveling has skyrocketed in many different ways, in which HotelsEtc. can help you save. That is why we created the largest, private travel discount club that WILL help your family see the world and save money at the same time. Hotels Etc. is where you can find the cheapest discounts on Hotels, Car Rentals, Cruises, Campgrounds, and even flights to the
biggest cities across the globe.
Of course, the only way to understand these savings is to see for yourself so therefore, we did an experiment to show exactly how good our deals are compared to the public.
To take a trip to Las Vegas on July 4th for 2 adults and 2 kids for 4 days, 3 nights would cost $1,019 for 3 nights at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, on our competitors’ site.
The SAME hotel for the same NIGHTS is only $687 which is an astonishing savings of $332 on only the hotel stay; now imagine how much you can save using Hotels Etc. during the entirety of your trip for everything, you can possibly think of!
Another trip would be to London over the summer when it is beautiful! For a week-long trip, 7 days and 6 nights at the Holiday Inn, it was $1,112 for 2 guests.
Hotels Etc. gives its members the SAME hotel for a week-long trip at only $950 for 2 guests! That is a savings of at least $162 on the hotel alone!
As well as traveling, Hotels Etc. also has plenty of discounts on restaurants when you get hungry, shopping either locally or while on vacation, theme parks, movies, shows and so much more that you can only see to believe! Check out our individual tabs above to get a more detailed look at everything we offer other than travel.
Hotels Etc. will be your one place stop to save all your hard earned money on travel, entertainment, shopping and so much more.

Take care of those bucket list items while you can by becoming a member today and get full access to all these great deals as well as being a part of the Hotels Etc. money-saving family so you can spend your hard-earned money the way you want to!