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From Shawn Pigg
Dear Friend,
As a businessman, you know the time and the efforts it takes for one to expand his/her business from a single office to state wide phenomena.
The long hours, the man power, the finance, the stress, for few this feat can take up to a life time, few die even before they realize their dreams!!!
This is just for a state; now imagine if you have to take your business into a national market!
The efforts required are just unimaginable!!!
Take Microsoft as example, the company began in 1975; they stabilized by 1985, and had to face their share of can of worms till '95. That's two decades!!
We all know about Steve Jobs, started Apple Inc., was thrown out of his own company, Started Pixar animated, made revolutionary animated movies, came back to apple in its bankruptcy, took it to new heights, got diagnosed with cancer, Passed away!!
As I mentioned, for few establishing their business is a lifetime's work.
What if, you can cut the chase, start from the top.
Not Possible?? Think again.
We are providing you with the opportunity to start Hotels Etc., in your country, with your people, wherein you would be the CEO of Hotels Etc. in your country

In today's economy everyone is searching for one thing: how to save money. Hotels Etc. offers one of the hottest money making opportunities of this century!!
You are just a few steps away from owning exclusive rights to your territory. Begin by filling out the form below!

You are just Four Steps away from Becoming the CEO of a nationwide firm
Else you can pick up your phone right now and ring us @ 1-877-967-7823
Best Wishes
P.S. Hurry! This is a first Come First Serve Basis! Your Competitor may apply before you do!!
P.P.S Remember, It's not how much you stand to gain, but how much you stand to lose out by not taking action.
P.P.P.S If you want to realize your dream of owning a business, it's the opportunity you have been waiting for